Performance Song Transition / Repertoire of the 1998
This is the Final Party version from the winter of 1998.
NOSong Title Original performancesSourceVideo ChordKaraoke
1Driving GuitarThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
2ApacheThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
3Yellow JacketThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
4Slaughter on the 10th AvenueThe Ventures�@�@ChordKaraoke
5PipelineThe Ventures�@�@�@�@
6Surf RaiderThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
7TelstarThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
8Diamond HeadThe Ventures�@�@�@�@
9California dreamingThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
10kimito ItumademoThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
11Night inTunisiaDr.K Project�@�@Chord�@
12Hawwai Five-oThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
13Noue-BushiTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
14Kuroda-BushiTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
15Okosa-BushiTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
16SanosaTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
17Let's Go!The Ventures�@�@Chord�@
18Wipe-OutThe Ventures�@�@�@�@
19Kyoto Doll~Paint It BlackThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
20J-POP MedoleyThe Ventures�@�@ChordKaraoke
21Ginza Light'sDr.K Project�@�@Chord�@
22Black Sand BeachTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
23THe House of Rising SunThe Ventures�@�@Chord�@
24Tugaru Jyongara-BushiTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@�@�@
25La CumparsitaTerry Terauchi & his BlueJeans�@�@Chord�@
