GS / Emmy Jackson and Smashman / Crying In A Storm(Vinyl Single)

GS Book

Kurosawa Book




SKY PerfecTv

Emy Jackson(Emi Fukatsu)�@Wikipedia
Title : Crying In A Storm cover
Record Label : CBS/COROMBIA
Number : LL-742-JC
Date : April 1965
Price : 370yen
Length :
Artist : Emmy Jackson and Smashman
Track :
(A)Crying In A Storm
(B)Suddenly I'm Alone
CD Description : This song was released as Western music during the Eleki boom, but it is pure Japanese pop music.The lyrics are credited to R.H. Rivers. Reiko Yukawa (Reiko.Hot.River) is actually credited as the lyricist,The music was composed by Yasutoshi Nakajima. In addition, the song was sung by Emmy Jackson, a female student at the American School in Yokohama who was an assistant to Reiko Yukawa's program on Radio Kanto. Emmy Jackson, a female student at the American School in Yokohama who worked as an assistant for Reiko Yukawa's program on Radio Kanto. Also playing in the background were the Smashmen are also said to be Jackie Yoshikawa and the Blue Comets. The price of the records was also at a premium to the price of Western music, so at first I was under the impression that they were imported.
